Utau Mac English Download. How To Install Utau For Mac

  1. UTAU recordings (Japanese) Must record these for your UTAU to function!! UTAU recordings (english) Credits to Hikari-P for the reclists-First off, you have to download UTAU from here (If you download the.zip file, the folder will be opened in WinRAR. I would extract it to your desktop.
  2. Character Details. Height: Weight: ★Macneko has wished to be loved by the famous pop-stars of Japan ever since she was a kitten. After the release of the Apple Watch, she bought one, and claimed herself a 'MACLOID'.

Western Name: Macneko
Eastern Name:
Kana Pronunciation:

Gender: Female

Release Date: January , 2008

[* Official Site]

Voiced by: MagicalSpackles
Managed by: XxGlitterKittenxX

CV Act 1:

R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Utau mac english download. how to install utau for mac pro

It is very easy to install her voicebank. Go to the bottom of Teto's website and you will find steps telling you how to install her. In case you don't want to go back though, just drag the folder into UTAU, answer yes to any pop-ups, and it will install for you.



★Macneko has wished to be loved by the famous pop-stars of Japan ever since she was a kitten. After the release of the Apple Watch, she bought one, and claimed herself a 'MACLOID'. She moved in with the MACLOID family and lives in their backyard, collecting their unwanted song sheets and creating the music for herself.

★ → Voiced and oto'd by MagicalSpackles, owned by XxGlitterKittenxX

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UTAU-Synth Resource Replacement Kit



Hello, thank you for taking the time to check out this small project I have been working on for the past few years.


A nib file is MacOS' interface file, it contains no code, only the way the program looks (buttons, forms, etc)

Because of this, I am unable to insert any new code - as much as I want to - so the program is still riddled with the same bugs we all know and love.

Why distribute this? I hope to grab Ameya's attention with the project, and continue to work on the abandoned UTAU-Synth project.

Retina Mac Users: Read footer for retina icon pack (includes the updated icon)

Features / Changes

• Removes Monthly License Activation

• New interface (English only)

• Updated the Note Properties dropdown (optional)

• The (previously hidden) Channels menu will allow for muting and soloing of individual tracks, without changing their volume manually

I can only assume this feature wasn't made public due to a bug. It appeared to work fine with my normal use, but please use with caution.

• The ability to open a new UST without closing the application


• GenEdit Menu functionality: the genedit dropdown is used to cut, copy and paste plain text within the app. Including note flags, project flags or even values inside the voicebank editor. Quite literally, whatever the file menu can't copy, genedit can.

• I have made an attempt to fix any visual glitches that appear in the genedit, including repainting flickering when scrolling. Unfortunately; results may vary.

• Prefixmap GUI was updated (yeah, I see the 'surffix' typo, it was there from the beginning so I thought I would leave it for kicks ¯_(ツ)_/¯)

• Changed keystrokes can be viewed here.

Utau Mac English Download. How To Install Utau For Mac 10.10

Troubleshooting / Common Issues

Pressing OK on the Note Property dialogue crashes the application!

Utau Mac English Download. How To Install Utau For Mac Os

Try installing the Original Note Property version. If this does not work, please contact me on Twitter, @_Hairclips

I can only see 'designable.nib' and 'keyedobjects.nib'!

This is a known issue with applications such as iZip that allow you to browse zip files without decompressing them. The top level of the zip (MainMenu.nib) is a technically a directory, applications such as these open that directory automatically. You can solve this issue using your existing software by going 'up'. If you don't know what that entails; please just locate the downloaded zip file (such as 'P01R04-C.zip'), right click it and open with > Archive Utility. This will result in a .nib you can use.

My issue is not listed here! / I need help!

Please contact me on Twitter! @_Hairclips! My DMs are open to the public.

.NIB Installation

1. Make a backup of UTAU-Synth and or your computer. I am not responsible for any damage to your computer or files as a result of a misinstallation.

2. Download all files required from me, as well as a fresh copy of UTAU-Synth if needed. If you would like a full translation, please download Localizable.strings too.

3. Unzip the file you downloaded by right clicking > Open With > Archive Utility

4. Navigate to your UTAU-Synth installation folder (e.g: /Applications/UTAU-Synth.app)

5. Right click 'UTAU-Synth.app' and select 'Show Package Contents'

6. Navigate to ./Contents/Resources/English.lproj if your system language is English or ./Contents/Resources/Japanese.lproj if your system language is Japanese. You do not need to replace the MainMenu.nib in both, but you may if you like. If you have download Localizable.strings, you need to replace the one in this directory too.

7. Inside, you will see 'InfoPlist.strings', 'Localizable.strings' and 'MainMenu.nib'. We are only interested in the MainMenu.nib

8. Replace the MainMenu.nib in the UTAU-Synth application contents with the one provided

9. Nicely done! The software is now ready to use.

Utau Mac English Download. How To Install Utau For Mac Os

Retina Iconset Installation

1. Download (441 KB)

2. Navigate to your UTAU-Synth installation folder (e.g: /Applications/UTAU-Synth.app)

3. Right click 'UTAU-Synth.app' and select 'Show Package Contents'

4. Navigate to ./Contents/Resources/

5. Replace the files in there with the ones provided in the zip

6. Nicely done! The software is now ready to use.

UTAU-Synth© still remains property of Ameya. This software is released and distributed without license or warranty.