How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworkds

And obviously you'll need a copy/license of Solidworks. But honestly if you've waited until the last minute to get this up and running to do your homework, you should just borrow someone elses computer! Installing this on a mac is not a quick process. Obviously you should back up your mac hard drive before doing anything. How much space should I partition for windows 10 on my mac? Help I don't really need to use windows much besides using it for a couple games that aren't compatible with IOS. You can specify how much of the machine’s resource to give to the Windows OS – which is where a high spec Mac will stand you in better stead. It is always a good rule of thumb to assign half the available RAM to the Windows OS, so in my set up, I assigned 4GB of RAM. There are basically two ways to disk partition your Mac: First is using Bootcamp and other is with the help of Disk utility. Let’s discuss both of these ways in detail. If you’re willing to run Windows on your Mac, then this happens to be one of the most simple and powerful ways to partition hard drive on Mac.

In order to manage your computer files more conveniently, it is extraordinarily necessary for you to partition your hard drive in a sensible way. If you are confused about it, you are in the right place! This post aims to talk about 1TB hard drive partition and recommend the best partition size for 1TB hard drive to different people.

Generally speaking, according to file types and personal habits, a 1TB hard drive can be partitioned into 2-5 partitions. Here we recommend you to partition it into five partitions: Operating system (C volume), Program File(D volume), Personal Data (E volume), Entertainment (F volume) and Download (G volume). As shown in the following chart.

Let’s continue reading for more details.

1. C Volume — System Volume (100GB)

C Drive is the main disk which contains the operating system and the related system files. So, sufficient capacity is essential for the C Drive. Then a question comes: “How much space should be allocated for C Drive?”. Microsoft announces that the Windows 10/8/7 minimum hard disk space requirement is 16GB(32-bit) and 20GB(64-bit). Besides, some system files like pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys also take up a large amount of space. The total size of these files can be up to about 4 times of the physical memory’s size of your computer. What’s more, some space should be left for temporary files. On the whole, we recommend you to allocate about 100GB of space to C Drive from the 1TB hard drive.

2. D Volume — Program Files (100GB)

Most programs are installed on C Drive by default. However, too many programs installed on C Drive will generate lots of disk fragmentation, which may reduce the efficiency and speed of the system operation. So it is recommended that we create a separate partition from 1TB hard drive to store the programs. Generally, 100GB of space for program disk is enough for most people to use.

3. E Volume — Personal Data (50GB)

We suggest that E Drive stores important personal files, such as office files, study materials, private videos or photos. Although Windows has four default libraries (Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos) which are stored on C Drive. Once the system breaks down, the files will be lost. Therefore, important personal files should be stored separately for security and convenience. Relatively speaking, these files need less free space and about 50GB of space is adequate in general.

4. F Volume — Entertainment (700GB)

How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworkds

For most people, the computer is mainly used for entertainment, such as watching movies and listening to music. This kind of files takes up a great quantity of space. Just a blu-ray film occupies more than 10GB of space, so the entertainment disk has to be as large as possible. As a result, we suggest that the rest space of 1TB hard drive should be left to the entertainment disk.

5. G Volume — Download (50GB)

We usually need to download different types of files. It is very inconvenient to modify the file download directory according to the type of files every time. To fix this problem, we can allocate a download disk from 1TB hard drive and set all of the downloads to go to the G Drive, and then sort out the files of the G Drive. It can make easier for us to manage our files. Generally, 50GB of space is enough.


The contents above are only for reference. You can partition a 1TB hard drive and allocate space for each disk depending on your thoughts and needs. Here we make a chart to recommend several schemes of 1TB hard drive partition to different people.

Finally, you can also partition other capacity hard drive proportionally like this. No matter how you partition your hard drive, it is suggested that you leave 10% to 20% free space on your drive, which can ensure the stable operation of the system.

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In order to manage your computer files more conveniently, it is extraordinarily necessary for you to partition your hard drive in a sensible way. If you are confused about it, you are in the right place! This post aims to talk about 1TB hard drive partition and recommend the best partition size for 1TB hard drive to different people.

Generally speaking, according to file types and personal habits, a 1TB hard drive can be partitioned into 2-5 partitions. Here we recommend you to partition it into five partitions: Operating system (C volume), Program File(D volume), Personal Data (E volume), Entertainment (F volume) and Download (G volume). As shown in the following chart.

Let’s continue reading for more details.

1. C Volume — System Volume (100GB)

C Drive is the main disk which contains the operating system and the related system files. So, sufficient capacity is essential for the C Drive. Then a question comes: “How much space should be allocated for C Drive?”. Microsoft announces that the Windows 10/8/7 minimum hard disk space requirement is 16GB(32-bit) and 20GB(64-bit). Besides, some system files like pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys also take up a large amount of space. The total size of these files can be up to about 4 times of the physical memory’s size of your computer. What’s more, some space should be left for temporary files. On the whole, we recommend you to allocate about 100GB of space to C Drive from the 1TB hard drive.

2. D Volume — Program Files (100GB)

How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworks Download

Most programs are installed on C Drive by default. However, too many programs installed on C Drive will generate lots of disk fragmentation, which may reduce the efficiency and speed of the system operation. So it is recommended that we create a separate partition from 1TB hard drive to store the programs. Generally, 100GB of space for program disk is enough for most people to use.

3. E Volume — Personal Data (50GB)

We suggest that E Drive stores important personal files, such as office files, study materials, private videos or photos. Although Windows has four default libraries (Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos) which are stored on C Drive. Once the system breaks down, the files will be lost. Therefore, important personal files should be stored separately for security and convenience. Relatively speaking, these files need less free space and about 50GB of space is adequate in general.

How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworks Crack

4. F Volume — Entertainment (700GB)

For most people, the computer is mainly used for entertainment, such as watching movies and listening to music. This kind of files takes up a great quantity of space. Just a blu-ray film occupies more than 10GB of space, so the entertainment disk has to be as large as possible. As a result, we suggest that the rest space of 1TB hard drive should be left to the entertainment disk.

5. G Volume — Download (50GB)

We usually need to download different types of files. It is very inconvenient to modify the file download directory according to the type of files every time. To fix this problem, we can allocate a download disk from 1TB hard drive and set all of the downloads to go to the G Drive, and then sort out the files of the G Drive. It can make easier for us to manage our files. Generally, 50GB of space is enough.


The contents above are only for reference. You can partition a 1TB hard drive and allocate space for each disk depending on your thoughts and needs. Here we make a chart to recommend several schemes of 1TB hard drive partition to different people.

Finally, you can also partition other capacity hard drive proportionally like this. No matter how you partition your hard drive, it is suggested that you leave 10% to 20% free space on your drive, which can ensure the stable operation of the system.

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