Hide Records For Mac

  1. Hide Records For Mac Shortcut
  2. Hide Records For Mac Office

Mac OS X- Hide the WiFi status icon from the Menu bar - How-To - MacOS This document, titled « Mac OS X - Turn Off The Recent Items List », is available under the Creative Commons license. Any copy, reuse, or modification of the content should be sufficiently credited to CCM ( ccm.net ). To show missing values in a range, right-click (control-click on Mac) the date or bin headers and select Show Missing Values. Note: You can also perform calculations on missing values that are shown in the view. To do this, open the Analysis menu at the top, and then select Infer Properties from Missing Values.

Jun 01, 2020 When saving your recording automatically, your Mac uses the name ”Screen Recording date at time.mov”. To cancel making a recording, press the Esc key before clicking to record. You can open screen recordings with QuickTime Player, iMovie, and other apps that can edit or view videos.

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The show hidden files Mac OS X guide!

Did you know how to show hidden files on Mac OS X computer yet? It’s not similar to what you do in Windows. There is a bit more complicated and require you to type a few commands in Terminal in Mac OS X to show those hidden files.

My story is that I just switched to Mac OS X a few months ago. At that moment, I was just learning how to use this new operating system, from how to install or uninstall apps, copy and paste files, as well as, take screenshots. One day, I was wondering how to view system files that are hidden like in Windows? With the help of Google and information from a few sources, show or hide hidden files never been easier, especially doing that using short alias commands instead of typing long commands, which aren’t easy to remember.

In Mac OS X, by default, all files that starting with a dot (“.”) before the file name are always invisible, including .bash_profile, .svn directory, or even .htaccess file. If you want to access these files, you need to make it visible.

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Before reading this guide, you may think to make hidden files to viewable is hard. But don’t worry! Today, I write this simple guide to show you the easiest way to show hidden files on Mac OS X computer. You only need to type a few long commands in Terminal application once. Next time, you just need to use showFiles and hideFiles commands to show or hide hidden files on Mac.

Use Terminal Commands To Show Hidden Files Mac OS X

To show hidden files on Mac, click on the Finder icon in the bottom Dock and then go to Applications > Utilities and then open Terminal application.

In the next step, type the command below, or just copy & paste it, and then press the Enter key.

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES

Next, press and hold the “Option” key, and then right-click on the “Finder icon” in the bottom dock and select “Relaunch“.

This action will refresh the Finder and show all hidden files on Mac OS X. If you want to hide these files again, type the following command in Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO

If you can remember these commands, it’s very easy for you to show or hide hidden files. However, in case you can’t remember these commands, you will have to search for it on Google whenever you need to show or hide these files.

Show And Hide Hidden Files On Mac OS X With Terminal Aliases

What’s a Terminal alias? It’s a shortcut for one or more commands. By creating aliases for the show hidden files or hide hidden files commands, you only need to remember aliases, and then you can show or hide files quicker.

To create aliases, open Terminal and then type:

sudo nano ~/.bash_profile

It will ask you to provide the administrator’s password. Just enter your password and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

At the end of the .bash_profile file, just paste these code:

alias showFiles=’defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app’

And then:

alias hideFiles=’defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app’

In the next step, press Control + O (or Ctrl + O) and then press Enter to save the modification on the file.

Next, press Control + X (or Ctrl + X) to exit the editor to return to the Terminal window.

In the Terminal, type:

source ~/.bash_profile

to make two above aliases available.

In the next time when you want to show hidden files or hide hidden files, just type:




in Terminal, respectively.

Hide Records For Mac Shortcut

showFiles and hideFiles to Show or Hide Hidden Files Mac OS X

With these aliases, it will help you to speed up the show or hide hidden files process. You can also create aliases for long commands in Terminal to do any tasks quicker.


If you have any questions about this show hidden files Mac guide, feel free to ask me by leaving your comment below.

The Library Menu item is hidden by default on Macs, to prevent the possibility of inexperienced users deleting important files in the Library Folder. In this article, you will find different methods to reveal the hidden Library Menu and access the Library Folder on your Mac.

Access Library Folder On Mac

The Library Folder on your Mac contains Preference Files, Caches, and Application Support Data.

While regular Mac users may not find the need to access the Hidden Library Folder, advanced Mac users will at times come across the need to access files inside the Library Folder for troubleshooting and other purposes.

One example of the need to access the Library Folder on Mac would be to rebuild the Database Files in the Library Folder, in order to fix Launchpad related issues like Apps Missing From Launchpad or deleted Apps showing up in the Launchpad.

Hide Records For Mac Office

Before going ahead with the steps to Access the Hidden Library Folder on your Mac, you need to be aware that ~/Library Folder contains important Data and Files related to Mac User Accounts.

Hence, make sure that you are accessing the Library Folder for a good reason and you do know as to what you are trying to achieve.

Access Hidden Library Menu Option On Mac

Follow the steps below to access the Hidden Library Menu option on your Mac.

1. Left-click your mouse anywhere on the screen of your Mac. This will reveal the Go Option in the top menu bar of your Mac. You can also click on the Finder Icon in the Dock of your Mac to activate the Go Option.

2. Next, click on the Go option in the top menu-bar of your Mac.

3. While you are still on the Go option, press and hold the Option key on your Mac and then click on the Library option that appears when you press down the Option Key.

Note: Press the Alt Key in case you are using a Windows keyboard with your Mac.

4. Clicking on the Library Menu option will take you straight to the Library Folder on your Mac.

Access Library Folder On Mac Using “Go to Folder” Option

Another way to access the Library Folder on your Mac is by using the Folder Option on your Mac.

1. Left-click your mouse anywhere on the screen of your Mac to reveal the Go Option in the top menu bar. You can also click on the Finder Icon in the Dock of your Mac to activate the Go option.

2. Next, click on the Go option from the top menu-bar on your Mac and then click on Go to Folder… option in the drop-down menu (See image below).

3. In the search window that appears, type ~/Library, and click on the Go button.

This will immediately take you to the Library Folder on your Mac.

Permanently Unhide the Library Menu Option On Mac

You can permanently unhide the Library Menu Option in the top-menu bar on your Mac by using the Terminal Command. The process is reversible and you can easily go back to the default hidden Library Menu Setting by using the Terminal command once again.

1. Click on the Finder icon in the dock of your Mac to activate the Go option in the top Menu bar of your Mac.

2. Next, click on the Go option in the top menu-bar and then click on the Utilities option in the drop-down menu.

3. On the Utilities window, open the Terminal App by clicking on it.

4. Next, type chflags nohidden ~/Library/ and Press the Enter key to submit your command for execution.

Once the command is executed, you will see the Library Option clearly visible and permanently unhidden in the top menu-bar of your Mac.

As mentioned above, you can always go back to the default hidden Library option on your Mac by executing a simple command in the Command Prompt Window.

Ip hide mac

1. To hide the Library option, type chflags hidden ~/Library/ in the Command prompt window (See image below)

2. After typing the Command, hit the Enter key on the Keyboard of your Mac to execute this Command.

Once the Command is executed, you will see the Library Menu option becoming hidden.