Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely. It is the perfect tool for uninstalling programs, speeding up your PC, protecting your privacy and removing all the obnoxious toolbars and browser hijackers that other cleaning tools don’t detect and remove. A swiss army knife for PC users Efficient utility, Advanced Uninstaller PRO quickly uninstalls any program you wish to remove from your computer. Over 25 tools help you perform numerous tasks, from cleaning history tracks and removing programs, plugins, and other items, to shredding files you don't want to be recovered. Advanced Uninstaller Pro Full Crack adalah sebuah software yang dapat anda gunakan untuk menghapus atau uninstal sebuah program atau games yang ada di pc atau laptop anda dengan aman dan bersih. Biasanya saat kita ingin menghapus sebuah program, masih ada file yang tertinggal atau bahkan tidak bisa dihapus dengan program uninstal.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a free PC maintenance suite with a pile of interesting features.
An 'Uninstall Programs' module completely removes unwanted applications. A bonus 'Monitored Installations' tool logs the changes made during program setup to make this more accurate.
Simple managers give you more control over your Windows startup programs and services.
Tools to remove junk files, locate duplicate files, compress files (via NTFS) and more help to free up hard drive space.
Internet Browser Tools are on hand to manage browsing history, cookies, addons and temporary files for IE, Firefox and Chrome.
There are modules to clean the Registry, defragment it, backup or restore your settings.
There's also a secure file shredder, a Startup Cleaner to find and remove broken shortcuts, Font and Control Panel managers, and assorted other fragments everywhere you look (like a very simple check for startup viruses).
Advanced Uninstaller Pro 12 Reviews
An attractive, colorful interface ensures this is all very accessible. Clearly-named tiles point you quickly to the right modules, and you'll be finding your way around the program's core features in no time at all.
As usual with this kind of tool, Advanced Uninstaller PRO's modules vary in quality, and something like the Startup Manager can't compete with the best-of-breed freeware.
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Fortunately other tools - like the uninstaller, with optional install logging - are powerful enough to justify the download all on their own, and if you need this kind of all-in-one maintenance library then Advanced Uninstaller PRO deserves a closer look.
You can Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO Crack from our website for free
Advanced Uninstaller PRO
The world-famous application called “Advanced Uninstaller” was created by developers to provide Internet users with a convenient and simple process of uninstalling unnecessary software, which in some cases is not as simple as it may seem at first sight. In addition, this software is also designed to optimize the operating system, which is also a worthy feature. Speaking about the work of the program as a whole, I would like to note its main advantage, which is that the program itself can monitor all the processes carried out on a personal computer, and thus, knowing about all the changes, it can be just an indispensable helper of removing this or that program from the computer to the fullest extent, without even mentioning it. Choose any optimizer and download it to your computer for free.
- Ability to completely remove previously installed programs;
- Complete monitoring of all user actions regarding the system, as well as changes that may affect the operating system registry;
- Correction and correction of incorrect registry entries;
- Tracking files that may be duplicates of each other;
- Deleting files, whether a folder, document, or even a part of a program;
- Quick Clear Site Visitor History function;
- Removal of annoying and unnecessary toolbars, plug-ins and browser add-ons.
How to use Crack and Download Uninstaller or how to get the full version:
Advanced Uninstaller Pro Review
- Download Uninstaller (archive) from the link below
- Unzip and install the installer as usual (do not run the application)
- Copy the Crack file to the installation folder (or the folder specified in the Readme.txt file)
- Run the application
- Enjoy it!
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